Luud Schimmelpennink
Annemarie de Wildt
Roel van Duijn
Harun Wolf TrepteBerlin, Mongolia
Merlijn Twaalfhoven
Manuel de PintoGreenpeace International
Henry Mentink
Jordan ZinovichCanada
Phil Bloom
Extinction Rebellion
Alies Fernhout
Madam Bruno
Masja Ottenheim
Hay SchoolmeestersAmsterdam
Cato Fluitsma
Landbouwbelang Maastricht
Fanfare van de 1e liefdesnacht
Menno GrootveldAmsterdam
Myra Driessen
AK Bouwman
Luc Sala
Aja WaalwijkAmsterdam
Olivier Jansen
Alan DearlingScotland
Radio RukstadAmsterdam


Luud Schimmelpennink
Dutch visionary Luud Schimmelpennink came up with an innovative idea to solve traffic jams and pollution on the streets of his native Amsterdam. It was called the ‘Witkar’, or the white car, the world’s first electric car-sharing scheme. The first Witkar took to the roads in 1974, but it was ahead of its time. Now though, Luud’s idea is being copied in cities around the globe.

Annemarie de Wildt

Roel van Duijn
Roel van Duijn was a dutch politician, political activist and writer. . He was a founder of Provo and the Kabouterbeweging. He was alderman for the Political PArty of Radicals and later wardcounsillor for the GreenLeft.

Harun Wolf Trepte
Multicultural artist bei Green Horse Society Berlin

Merlijn Twaalfhoven
Merlijn Twaalfhoven is a Dutch composer and founder of The Turn Club, a lab for arts in society. He received a UNESCO award and collaborates with the Kronos Quartet and the New York Philharmonic. He worked in refugee camps and across dividing lines in Cyprus, Palestine and Syria, involving children, the local communities and professional musicians.
His projects explore the richness of cultural diversity and human interaction, often engaging musicians of contrasting styles, local traditions, or children in large events. He collaborates with artists, scientists, diplomats, and other idealists in new and creative ways. This results in a unique blend of sophisticated music and rough, unpolished sounds. Striving for a world without boundaries between art and society, his goal is to revive the creative and artistic potential in everyone in order to create new meaningful connections and understanding between people.
Advocating a larger role for artists in society, he has presented practical and direct ways for artists to become engaged in global issues of today such as growing inequality, climate change, and disruptive technological change.

Manuel de Pinto
You can find some highlights on the web, or even read the biography (in Portuguese) that Filipe Garcia, a Portuguese journalist, wrote about my work in Greenpeace some years ago.

Henry Mentink
Jordan Zinovich
Writer; Autonomedia, Brooklyn, NY, senior editor. Writer in residence at Banff Centre, 1991, and Culturelle Vrijplatz Ruigoord, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2005.
At saturday his talk is about: “Ludic Time in Evolving Spaces”

Phil Bloom
Phil Bloom is a Dutch artist, entertainer and actress. She was the first person to appear completely nude on Dutch Television on 28 July 1967. She was a member of the Fluxus network.


Extinction Rebellion

Alies Fernhout

Madam Bruno



Masja Ottenheim
Speaker and host of the event

Hay Schoolmeesters
As a cultural trailblazer and organizer of socially critical art festivals, Schoolmeesters has been a player in the Amsterdam cultural field for many years and he is a great advocate of creating maximum free space for people with free spirits. He moves in the area between politics, art and activism and with reflective notions and statements he presents unexpected but also possible ways of life within the current social-political relations. He is one of the original residents of the ADM site and is currently financial director at stichting Urban Resort

Cato Fluitsma

Landbouwbelang Maastricht
Virginie Moerenhout

Fanfare van de 1e liefdesnacht

Suwanne has been a free-space activist since 1997. She took part in the protest action camp Groenoord (to defend Ruigoord) and was afterwards living at, and fighting for the ADM.After the ADM eviction, in early 2019, she has been involved with Rijkshemelvaart and Ruigoord.


Menno Grootveld
As a university-dropout, Menno Grootveld started doing pirate television in Amsterdam with PKP TV and Rabotnik TV in the early eighties. Rabotnik TV was the media-branch of an extensive underground-culture that existed in Amsterdam during the eighties, which also included a concert hall (NL-Centrum) and a political party (De Reagering). In the mid-80s Menno started organizing major media-conferences, the first of which was the European Media Festival in 1985 (mainly focused on radio), followed by the Wetware Convention (1991) and four Next 5 Minutes-conferences that introduced the concept of ‘tactical media’ (1993, 1996, 1999 and 2003). In the mid-90s Menno had a short stint as a programme editor of “W.E.B.”, a bi-weekly series of programmes on national television about the so-called ‘digital revolution.’ Menno currently works as a translator and a journalist, runs his own publishing house in Amsterdam, and is a member of DiEM25 in the Netherlands

Myra Driessen

AK Bouwman
A.K. Bouwman (Amsterdam, 1964)
Some people say that A.K. Bouwman would only be a feature garçon de salon, but that is less true. A.K. has developed into a virtuous master speaker in the metropolitan underground. He is a local investigative journalist, biographer, radio and tv presenter, voice-over, non-binding poet and spontaneous producer. Fortunately, this has become more prominent in recent years. Despite his successes, it was difficult to discover a specific solo line in his work. But his career has a dynamic process: A.K. has been working hard on that. He toured with several radio and tv stations and numerous art and cultural initiatives, and scored nationwide. The fact that he is not only a news hunter but also a co-producer of media programs and councilor of futurologic concepts, was not immediately evident. Maybe his character showed too much modesty, but we are aware of that ruthlessness of people in society. If a man claims success and shows ambition, he is cool, but if he stays on the plain, he runs the risk of being put away as anonymous. Sure, modesty graces the person, but with us, professionalism and perfectionism are often mistakenly dismissed as pretentious and being a phrasemonger. That kind of short-sightedness is unfair, but unfortunately it is a fact. Now as it seems A.K. has found his way, yet many do not realize that his profession can feel like gambling in Vegas. Through his years of training, he understands why certain topics can grab you. “Many say that my views cannot be approved. But what would that be? It would be insane if someone had opinions for others! My views are the result of my reflections and are closely related to my being, my structure. It is not in my power to change them, and if it were, I would not do it. These views, which countless people regard as wrong, are the only consolation of my life, they illuminate everything that I have to undergo in the prison of this existence and constitute all the joy that I have in the world: I attach more importance to it than to my life. It is not my views that have caused my misfortune, it is those of the others,” says A.K. about his labor. He is clear about his future: “My unfortunate father calls me from the depth of his grave: it is as if he is crying out once more and persuading me to return to eternity as in the only hiding place that remains. I draw this comforting image from the love that I bear for life, but it would have no effect and I hurry to erase it, for fear of being too enamored by it at a moment when I only need fortitude.” But since he does everything in his own way with exception of the rule and shows that things can be done differently, outside of normal standard business, he has discovered that it is “the coolest thing in the world.” Now A.K. profiles himself more prominently as a transmitter of knowledge and teacher of conceiving differently. He again shows guts, in a city and beyond dominated by would-be millionaires and individuals who look the other way if you really need them. His new pataphysical visions are on the brink of madness (preview snippets are already all around) and next time he’ll be on stage the addition of A.K.’s chef-d’oeuvre will give the unseen back of the Amsterdam facades a face.

The story of Užupis is a bizarre, yet strangely encouraging tale of what can happen when a bunch of eccentrics are left to their own devices. When Lithuania broke free of the Soviet Union, Lenin’s statues were torn down, and a lot of plinths were left empty. At a time when the country was trying to rediscover its national identity and escape the shadow of communism, local photographer and civil servant Saulius Paukstys spotted an opportunity. ‘We were desperate to find a symbol that would mark the end of communism, but at the same time express that it wasn’t always doom and gloom,’ Paukstys told The Guardian. He chose Zappa’s work to accomplish this and began to collect signatures and, despite Zappa’s total irrelevance to Lithuania, people got behind the idea and gave a huge show of support to the bemused authorities. It may have been the absurdity of the proposition that struck a chord with the artistic community.
Representant: Andreas Rodenbeck

Luc Sala

Ruigoord fits into an ancient tradition of artist colonies where art and life are integrated into a common experiment. Ruigoord is an idealistic and idyllic resort where artists work on their own oeuvre. However, it is the focus on joint projects that give the character of this contemporary artists’ colony. In an independent manner, mutual engagement is given and the need for exchange, shared experiences, expression and ecstasy is met. A human imperative that manifests itself as the current time seems more egocentrically and materialist. The green oasis in which Ruigoord is located responds to the need of artists to retire for a shorter or longer period from the hassles of a urbanized and industrialized environment, as it always has been an existent reason for artist colonies.

Aja Waalwijk

Olivier Jansen

Alan Dearling
Another Kind of Space’ – the stories behind the book, co-compiled by Alan Dearling
Many people around the world have chosen, or, been forced into living in different kinds of dwelling. Over a period of about 3 years, Alan Dearling and Graham Meltzer made contact and visited many of these people and encouraged them to write about their experiences.
Alan will re-tell some of these ‘stories’, and show photos of some of these people and their homes. They include a range of divergent lifestyles, homes and ‘other ways of living’. Some of the contributions were from internationally famous green architects and people who wanted to develop and explore technological solutions to environmental spaces. Others were artists, free spirits and nomads. Powerful individualists, seeking new inspiration through communal living, experimentation and sustainable developments.

Radio Rukstad
Radio Rukstand will do the Q&A on the friday with Cody Hochstenbach, Brian Doucet and Andrej Holm
A patafysic radioshow at Radio Patapoe
with AK Bouwman, Mc Alfredex and Naaktslak